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 biosequip()             Check Equipment

 #include   <bios.h>

 int        biosequip(void);

    biosequip() uses BIOS interrupt 0x11 to return an integer describing
    the number and types of equipment connected to an IBM or compatible

       Returns:     A group of bit-sized fields with the following

                bit 15   Number of printers
                bit 14   Number of printers
                bit 13   Unused
                bit 12   Game I/O attached
                bit 11   Number of RS232 ports
                bit 8    Unused
                bit 7    Number of diskette drives
                bit 6    Number of diskette drives
                    00 = 1 drive
                    01 = 2 drives
                    10 = 3 drives
                    11 = 4 drives, only if bit 0 is 1

                bit 5    Initial
                bit 4    Video mode
                    00 = Unused
                    01 = 40x25 BW with color card
                    10 = 80x25 BW with color card
                    11 = 80x25 BW with mono card

                bit 3    Motherboard
                bit 2    RAM size
                    00 = 16K
                    01 = 32K
                    10 = 48K
                    11 = 64K

                bit 1    Floating-point coprocessor
                bit 0    Boot from diskette

   Portability:     IBM PC and compatibles only.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements list some of the equipment available on the

           #include <stdio.h>      /* for printf */
           #include <bios.h>       /* for biosequip */

               int equip;

               equip = biosequip();
               printf("%d printers\n",equip >> 14 & 3);
               printf("Game I/O is %sattached\n",
                       (equip & 0xB00) ? "":"NOT ");
               printf("%d RS232 ports \n",equip >> 11 & 1);
               printf("Floating point coprocessor is %spresent\n",
                       (equip & 1) ? "":"NOT ");

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